Lineage of Gurus
Bhagavan Sri Krishna
Kriya Yoga is the only pranayama mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita.
Jesus Christ
Many people arise a doubt that why the picture of Jesus Christ is placed among the Gurus of Kriya Yoga lineage. Many think it to be political, to attract people Christian faith into Kriya Yoga system. The same question was once asked by a person to Paramahansa Yogananda. He replied: “It was Jesus Christ who appeared to Babaji in the Himalayas and asked him to send this message to the West.” (Conversations with Yogananda- By Sri Swami Kriyananda) Jesus Christ is one among the masters of Kriya Yoga lineage.
The Original Christianity as preached by Christ and Original Yoga as taught by Bhagavan Krishna is same as Kriya Yoga revived in the modern times by Mahavatar Babaji.
Mahavatar Babaji
Mahavatar Babaji is the Supreme Guru of all those who are traversing the path of Kriyayoga meditation. Though Babaji remains in his physical body with a group of highly advanced evolved disciples in the regions of the Himalayas, it was through Paramahansa Yogananda and his autobiography that Babaji became popular among the common public. In his autoiography Yoganandaji writes: “The northern Himalayan crags near Badrinarayan are still blessed by the living presence of Babaji, guru of Lahiri Mahasaya. The secluded master has retained his physical form for centuries, perhaps for millenniums. The deathless Babaji is an AVATARA”.
The spiritual state of Mahavatar Babaji is incomprehensible to ordianary mortals. The spiritual state of the Paramaguru is described in the sastras as Paramukthi (the State of Supreme Liberation). A Paramuktha (Supremely Liberated Being) is equivalent to God. Ordinarily, a soul by ascension reaches the state of paramuktha will not return back. If it happens, it will be to carry out the mission of our Heavenly Father. In this age, Babaji is appointed by the Almighty to take care of spiritual progress of the world.
It was Mahavatar Babaji who in modern times revived the lost technique of Kriya Yoga for the welfare of mankind. In the second part of the nineteenth century, Babaji instructed the technique of Kriya Yoga to his householder disciple Lahiri Mahasaya. While instructing Lahiri Mahasaya, Babaji never claimed the yoga what he preaches to be his own discovery. Instead he said: “The Kriya Yoga that I am giving to the world through you in this nineteenth century is a revival of the same science that Krishna gave millenniums ago to Arjuna; and that was later known to Patanjali and Christ, and to St. John, St. Paul, and other disciples.” (‘Autobiography of a Yogi’, by Paramahansa Yogananda.)
Initiation into Kriya Yoga for an interested candidate should be given only by a Babaji-appinted/consecrated yogi. The self-effort of a man is always limited. It is through Guru’s grace a soul attain self-realization. So, by following Kriya oga you are actually following the footsteps of immortal Master Mahavatar Babaji.
Shorltly before his leaving for America in 1920, Paramahansa Yoganandaji was visited by Mahavatar Babaji in his home in Calcutta. As an assurance to his prayers, Babaji said: “Follow the behest of your guru and go to America. Fear not; you shall be protected”. He also added to say that Yoganandaji was the one who was ordained by him for the world wide mission. “
The deathless Guru like a loving mother taking care of her children is always awake in God taking care of all who affectionately thinks of him. To get the blessings of the great master, no rituals is needed. Only love alone can bring his blessings. By the practice of Kriya Yoga meditation expand and purify your heart. With utmost devotion and love call upon Him. He is sure to respond. This is true as sun rising in the east!
Lahiri Mahasaya
Working as an employee in the accounts department of Birtish Railways in Bengal, a transfer order to Ranikhet in the foothills of the Himalayas came to Shyama Churun Lahiri. Taking the assistance of helper, he reached the place in a month. One while waking in the Himalayan foothills, he heard a young man calling by his name. At first he didn’t recognised that young man as his Guru Mahavatar Babaji. Babaji, gently touched Shyama Churn’s forehead. Suddenly, the memories of his previous incarnations rushed into the mind of Lahiri Mahsaya. His eyes watered and he recognized his beloved guru Babaji.
Later Babaji initiated him into the sacred science of Kriya Yoga in a traditional way after manifesting a golden palce in the Himalayas. After a few days, Babjai asked Lahiri Mahsaya to leave for home and gave him permission to initiate and teach Kriya Yoga to others.
Leading the life of householder, Lahiri Mahasaya showed to world an example balanced living. He toiled in the world for him and his family and at the same time practiced austure yoga and meditation in seclusion.
Though he didn’t start or set up any organization, many have benifitted from this householder yogi. He led many to the Kingdom of God within. He has given commentary to various scriptures including the Bhagavad Gita.
Lahiri Mahasaya entered Mahsamadhi in Banares on September 26, 1985.
Swami Sriyukteswar Giri
Born Priyanath Karar on May 10,1855, at Serampore in Bengal, India, Swami Sriyukteswar was the disciple of Lahiri Mahasaya. He has been called as Jnanavatar by Paramahansa Yogananda.
In 1894, a miraculous encounter with Babaji occurred in his life. While roaming the place of Kumbhamela, suddenly a sadhu came to him and asked that his guru is calling him. Sriyukteswar walked with that sadhu and saw a young man sitting under the shade of a tree who was Mahavatar Babaji. At the request of Babaji, he wrote a short book named ‘The Holy Science’ to show the underlying harmony between Christian and Hindu scriptures.
As per the prediction of Babaji during the Kumbhamela meeting, a disciple was send to him for training for dissemination of Kriya Yoga in the west. That disciple was Paramahansa Yogananda. In 1920 Yogananda sailed for America..
Apart from Yoganandaji there were many abled disciple for Sriyuktesvarji. Some of them were Sri Swami Satyananda Giri, Swami Bhavananda Giri etc. It was from Sri Swami Bhavananda Giri’s disciple Sri Yogi Mohan, Swami Brahmananda Giri (founder of SMB Mission) received Kriya Yoga. Swami Sriyukteswar attained Mahasamadhi on March 9, 1935..
Paramahansa Yogananda
During the miraculous meeting of Swami Sriyukteswar with Babaji at the sacred Allahabad Kumbhamela in 1984, Babaji made a prophecy. In future Babaji would send a disciple for training under Swami Sriyukteswar for dissemination of yoga in the West. It was boy Mukunda who was sent to Swami Sriyukteswar for training who later became renowned Paramahansa Yogananda. He was the one who was selected and ordained by Mahavatar Babaji to spread Kriya Yoga in the West. After completing training under his Guru for long ten years, Yoganandji set for America in 1920 and settled there performing the God-given duty of spreading scientific Kriya Yoga across the West. His inner realizations and life experiences can be read from his ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’, which is still an inspiration to millions of God-hungry souls. His contribution to the development of yoga and spirituality in the west is remarkable. This led him to be considered as the “Father of Yoga in the West”.
He established Yogoda Satsang Society in India and Self-Realization Felloship in America for carrying out his work worldwide. He enetered Mahasamdhi on March 7, 1952.
Swami Brahmananda Giri
Born Monikandan in 1961 at Mathoor Mutt in the district of Kannyakumari, Tamil Nadu, India, Gurudev Sri Swami Brahmananda Giri began his spiritual journey at the age of 17 while attending his pre-university course. Silently inspired by the living presence of Divine Mother, whom he perceive as a girl-child of his similar age even from his childhood days , he was led to his first master Yogiraj Sri Umesh Chandraji of Ram Thirth Yoga Ashram Mumbai (erstwhile Bombay). He took lessons in Hatha Yoga and Meditations from Sri Umesh Chandraji during a yoga-meditation camp organized at an auditorium in the nearby town of Nagercoil. After a few years as per his wish to learn and practice Khechari Mudra God led him to another teacher Sri Yogi Mohan. Through Sri Yogi Mohan he came to know about Kriya Yoga and Mahavatar Babaji, whom he used to perceive in his inner eye during his daily meditation. Thus he came to know about his real Guru Mahavatar Babaji. Later, he took initiation into ancient Swami-Order (Sannyas) form Sri Yogi Mohan, who was the disciple of Sri Swami Bhavananda Giri (a disciple of Sri Sri Swami Sriyukteswar giri). In the year 1984, Mahavatar Babaji manifested before him and gave him the highest initiation. After this, with Babaji’s permission he started teaching Kriya Yoga for which he set up an Ashram near his native place and also founded SMB Mission in the year 2015.